Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Inspirational Quotes from the Late “King of Pop” Michael Jackson

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.” 
“Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.” 
I believe we are powerful, but we don’t use our minds to full capacity. Your mind is powerful enough to help you attain whatever you want.
 Believe in yourself. Study the greats and become greater. And be a scientist. Dissect. Dissect.
Work like there’s no tomorrow. Train. Strive. I mean, really train and cultivate your talent to the highest degree. Be the best at what you do. Get to know more about your field than anybody alive. Use the tools of your trade, if it’s books or a floor to dance on or a body of water to swim in. Whatever it is, it’s yours.That’s what I’ve always tried to remember.
I think it’s so important to set goals for yourself. It gives you an idea of where you want to go and how you want to get there. If you don’t aim for something, you’ll never know whether you could have hit the mark.
I believe in wishes and in a person’s ability to make a wish come true. I really do. Whenever I saw a sunset, I would quietly make my secret wish right before the sun tucked under the western horizon and disappeared. It would seem as if the sun had taken my wish with it. I’d make it right before that last speck of light vanished. And a wish is more than a wish, it’s a goal. It’s something your conscious and subconscious can help make reality.
I have always been a dreamer. I set goals for myself. I look at things and try to imagine what is possible and then hope to surpass those boundaries.
I don’t care if the whole world is against you or teasing you or saying you’re not gonna make it. Believe in yourself. No matter what.
Some of the greatest men who have made their mark on this world were treated like that-you know, “You’re not gonna do it, you’re not gonna get anywhere.” They laughed at the Wright brothers. They laughed at Thomas Edison. They laughed at Walt Disney. They made jokes about Henry Ford. They said he was ignorant. Disney dropped out of school. That’s how far they went. These men shaped and changed our culture, our customs, the way we live, the way we do things. And I think God plants those seeds through people on the earth. And I think you’re one, I’m one to bring some bliss and escapism, some joy, some magic. Because without entertainment, what would the world be like? You know? What would it really be like? It would be a totally different world for me.
People used to underestimate my ability as a songwriter. They didn’t think of me as a songwriter, so when I started coming up with songs, they’d look at me like: “Who really wrote that?” I don’t know what they must have thought – that I had someone back in the garage who was writing them for me? But time cleared up those misconceptions. You always have to prove yourself to people and so many of them don’t want to believe. I’ve heard tales of Walt Disney going from studio to studio when he first started out, trying to sell his work unsuccessfully and being turned down. When he was finally given a chance, everyone thought he was the greatest thing that ever happened.
Making the Thriller album was very hard work, but it’s true that you only get out of something what you put into it. I’m a perfectionist: I’ll work until I drop. And I worked so hard on that album.
I remember Berry Gordy sitting us all down and saying that we were going to make history together. “I’m gonna make you the biggest thing in the world,” he said, “and you’re gonna be written about in history books.” He really said that to us. We were leaning forward, listening to him, and saying, “Okay! Okay!” I’ll never forget that. We were all over at his house, and it was like a fairy tale come true listening to this powerful, talented man tell us we were going to be very big. “Your first record will be a number one, your second record will be a number one, and so will your third record. Three number one records in a row. You’ll hit the charts just as Diana Ross and the Supremes did.” This was almost unheard of in those days, but he was right; we turned around and did just that. Three in a row.
 I have such admiration for Mr. Disney and what he accomplished with the help of so many talented artists. When I think about the joy he and his company have brought to millions of children – and adults – the world over, I am in awe.
Michael Jackson on being doubted in the process of making the ‘Thriller’ album (Highest selling album of all time).
I remember being in the studio once with Quincy and Rod Temperton while we were working on Thriller. I was playing a pinball machine and one of them asked me, “If this album doesn’t do as well as Off the Wall, will you be disappointed?”
I remember feeling upset – hurt that the question was even raised. I told them Thriller had to do better than Off the Wall. I admitted that I wanted this album to be the biggest-selling album of all time. They started laughing. It was a seemingly unrealistic thing to want.
There were times during the Thriller project when I would get emotional or upset because I couldn’t get the people working with me to see what I was. That still happens to me sometimes. Often people just don’t see what I see. They have too much doubt. You can’t do your best when you’re doubting yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Just doing as well as you did last time is not good enough. I think of it as the “Try to get what you can” mentality. It doesn’t require you to stretch, to grow. I don’t believe in that.

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